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Banim Mitpalelim

Just in time for the new school year! We are launching “Banim Mitpalelim”an initiative designed to enable broader participation of our boys between the ages of 7-12 in leading the conclusion of davening on Shabbos mornings. Our hope is that by doing so, we will benefit from a broader base of participants and foster a sense of involvement in the formal Minyan.

Our talented and experienced youth director, Jason David will inform the children of this program and will review the expectations of participants i.e. proper decorum when in the main shul.

Children who wish to participate and are capable of reciting fluently the relevant tefillot, will rotate weekly, barring extenuating circumstances. (i.e. Bar-Mitzvah boy's brother, Grandparent of a child visiting etc). Our “Anim Zemiros Gabbai” Shimon Staum, will continue to be responsible for maintaining the rotation (with the help and support of Rabbi Staum). Those interested in participating May sign up using the form or contact either of the Staums directly, or through Jason David, to sign their child up.

Parents are responsible to pick their children up from youth groups and escort them to Shul when participating. As always, children in groups will not be allowed to wander the halls of the shul on their own.

If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Annette Simmons or Jason David.




Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785